Monthly Archives: November 2015

The Supporting Role

I spend hours and hours every year driving…to practices, games and rehearsals, watching games, concerts and musicals…and sitting quietly waiting at rehearsals and auditions. And, then of course, there is the usual cooking, cleaning, laundry, and sewing the random button.

I’m the mom of a daughter and this is what I do. Today I find myself sitting quietly at a choir audition, noise all around me, reading the magazines I brought. Might as well catch up on some reading, right?

I look around the school cafeteria and see a few other parents like me. On the surface, we’re not needed. Nothing for us to do but wait. We are not in the spotlight.

But dig below the surface, and we parents sitting quietly are so much more. We are the quiet comforting presence, letting them know we’re here if they need us. 

And, our children are able to shine because of the supporting role we play in their lives.

I play a supporting role in my daughter’s life, and I love it! I wouldn’t want anything else. And, someday I will miss these moments of just being present as a witness to my daughter’s spotlight.